
So yeah, I ended up not “being better next time”. First post of 2017… in June. Way to go! šŸ˜›

Here I am, though — half-way into the year, and things have been reasonably calmer than the same time last year. No more thesis, no more PhD viva to worry about, and the immediate uncertainty regarding my next move has been reasonably quenched after starting a 2 1/2 year post-doc, which slotted in nicely immediately after the previous project I was working in. Still working in OCT, albeit in a different area of application (robots in an endobronchial surgery setting) which requires me to develop new skill-sets and collaborate with an array of different people.

Definitely settled into the post-doc life now – not terribly different from pre-Dr Manuel, with a bit more responsibility and without the overwhelming pressure of the thesis submission deadline lurking in the distance!! (that is *very* welcome, I have to say)

On a personal level, things are going well too – predictably, rowing has taken most of my spare time yet again, and we are now easing into the regatta season, which means a lot of time spent on the beach!! Things are being interesting, though – I’m definitely being pushed beyond my comfort zone, which is great, and always surrounded by great people.

I’m not going to make any promises at the end of this post, because I already know I’ll start with an apologetic tone next time in that case. Either way, I came here to do some updating of the website, and it wouldn’t look good if I didn’t slot a new post in! šŸ™‚

So, see you around, yeah? Whenever that may be. šŸ˜€


Categories: Uncategorized


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