Assessing embryo development using swept source optical coherence tomography

Assessing embryo development using swept source optical coherence tomography

by Sophie Caujolle, Ramona Cernat, Giuseppe Silvestri, textbfManuel J. Marques, Adrian Bradu, Thomas Feuchter, Gary Robinson, Darren K. Griffin and Adrian Podoleanu
Assessing embryo development using swept source optical coherence tomography (Sophie Caujolle, Ramona Cernat, Giuseppe Silvestri, textbfManuel J. Marques, Adrian Bradu, Thomas Feuchter, Gary Robinson, Darren K. Griffin and Adrian Podoleanu), In Proc. of SPIE, volume 10591, 2018.
Bibtex Entry:
	title={Assessing embryo development using swept source optical coherence tomography},
	author={Sophie Caujolle and Ramona Cernat and Giuseppe Silvestri and textbf{Manuel J. Marques} and Adrian Bradu and Thomas Feuchter and Gary Robinson and Darren K. Griffin and Adrian Podoleanu},
	booktitle={Proc. of SPIE},