Spectral-domain, polarization-sensitive optical coherence tomography system insensitive to fiber disturbances

Spectral-domain, polarization-sensitive optical coherence tomography system insensitive to fiber disturbances

by textbfManuel J. Marques, Sylvain Rivet, Adrian Bradu and Adrian Podoleanu
Spectral-domain, polarization-sensitive optical coherence tomography system insensitive to fiber disturbances (textbfManuel J. Marques, Sylvain Rivet, Adrian Bradu and Adrian Podoleanu), In SPIE BiOS, 2016.
Bibtex Entry:
	author = {{textbf{Manuel J. Marques}} and Sylvain Rivet and Adrian Bradu and Adrian Podoleanu},
	booktitle = {SPIE BiOS},
	month = {03},
	organization = {International Society for Optics and Photonics},
	pages = {96971K--96971K},
	title = {Spectral-domain, polarization-sensitive optical coherence tomography system insensitive to fiber disturbances},
	url = {http://proceedings.spiedigitallibrary.org/proceeding.aspx?articleid=2502538},
	x-fetchedfrom = {Google Scholar},
	year = {2016}